Our Somewhere (over the Rainbow)

This week we really hit the pavement in the shoppe – (actually, we really USED the pavement . . . as in the sidewalk) and painted and sealed the chairs and tables. Boy-oh-boy, are the results exciting! We love to see how the colors are just popping in the space. It’s wonderful to watch the transition – from when we first took over the storefront (with golden and red colored walls), to today. We know that some may shake their heads in wonder at what we are doing, but we have a vision – a very CLEAR VISION as to what this wonderful shoppe is going to be. And it is coming to LIFE. Truly. Each and every day.

We’ve also added window decals (so everyone knows who we are), hung art work, received business cards, and opened some of the retail inventory this week. We can now officially say that we feel like Oprah – opening the UPS and FedEx boxes of delivery is like opening our very FAVORITE THINGS. We can’t wait to share them with you all.

It’s so interesting – this whole process of creating the Creative Wings Art Shoppe.

I am the artist in the team – Leanne – the type who visualizes everything, even when it is a dream. I see it clearly in my mind. When I am about to work on a canvas art piece or an art journaling page, or even a little doodle on a piece of scrap paper – I can see it in my mind. I know exactly what it is that I want to create. Then I sit down, and do it. Our shoppe has been very much the same process for me. When we first looked at the space, I saw it. Clear as can be. And now, day by day, we are getting there.

It is thrilling, my friends.

Here are a few photos from the week.

Stay tuned . . . there is so much more to come.


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